首页 >  social media雅思考试  > 雅思大作文范文解析:社交媒体的优势是否超过了劣势



2018 年 10 月 18 日来源:朗播网

摘要:雅思写作一直是困扰很多考生的难题,不会写、写跑题等各种问题层出不穷。其实,认真研读一些雅思写作范文,吸收学习范文里的优秀内容,这样不仅可以帮助我们拓展思路,还可检验并提高自己的写作水平。下面朗播网为大家提供了雅思大作文范文解析:社交媒体的优势是否超过了劣势,供大家学习。## 题目 Social media is becoming increasingly popular amongst all age groups. However, sharing personal information on social media websites does have risks.Do you think that the advantages of social media outweigh the disadvantages?题型:利弊分析 翻译:社交媒体在所有年龄段中越来越受欢迎。但是,在社交媒体网站上共享个人信息确实存在风险。您认为社交媒体的优势超过了劣势吗? ## 写作结构 开头段:背景介绍+个人立场 主体段 1:(利大于弊/弊大于利)理由1 + 论证 主体段 2:(利大于弊/弊大于利)理由2 + 论证结尾段:总结理由+重申观点## 范文解析### 开头段 交代背景“自社交媒体发明以来,许多人已经能够更好地相互联系,并且能够及时了解他们的朋友,家人,同事甚至名人的生活,达到以前不可能达到的程度”,表示“社交媒体有其风险”。 背景介绍:Since the invention of social media, many people have been better able to connect with each other and also to keep up to date with the lives of their friends, families, co-workers and even celebrities, to such a degree which was previously impossible. 个人立场:However, social media has its risks. ### 主体段 1 儿童可能会接触到成人内容,而且他们本身很容易被意图不明的陌生人接近。网络欺凌经常在新闻中报道,并发生在儿童和学童之间的社交媒体上。 主题句:As people of all ages have access to social media, children can be exposed to adult content, and are themselves vulnerable to be approached by strangers with unknown intentions.举例论证:Even if children are sure of who they're talking to on social media, social media's issues are not completely eliminated. Cyber bullying is frequently reported in the news, and occurs on social media between children and schoolchildren. This is problematic, as it means even when children are at home, remote from their bullies they can still be bullied when they're inside their own homes. ### 主体段 2 社交媒体也可能对成年人造成问题。人们常常觉得在社交媒体上发布他们在现实生活中不会说的东西,这可能间接地给其他人造成不良印象。 主题句:Social media can be problematic for adults, too. 举例论证:People often feel comfortable posting things on social media that they wouldn't say in real life. This can indirectly cause a bad impression on other people, and if employers judge the nature of the content prospective employees post on social media to be inappropriate, it can affect their chances of attaining or keeping jobs. ### 结尾段 总结理由+重申观点:只要人们意识到使用社交媒体的风险,并且谨慎地发布只有尊重和受尊重的内容,那么社交媒体的优势远远超过劣势,应该允许儿童和成年人从这种技术中受益。 As long as people are aware of the risks of using social media, and are careful to post only respectful and respectable content, then the advantages of social media far outweigh the disadvantages, and children and adults alike should be allowed to benefit from such technology.## 重点表达 the invention of ...的发明 keep up to date ...不断更新 be aware of 意识到以上就是雅思大作文范文解析的全部内容。当然,范文只是为大家提供一种可能的写作思路,大家可以据此拓展自己的思路,并且学习借鉴范文中的语言表达方式,从而提高自己的整体写作水平。

